Overview Agile Leadership

The path to Agile Leadership

Training offer

The program

Part 1: Training

The first block consists of three days (3 x 1 day) of workshop and interactive training on the following topics

  • E: Leadership Essentials
  • T: Team Leadership)
  • O: Leading the Organization
Drawing symbols

Part 2: Development program

The second block consists of accompaniment and joint work for about three months.

We start two cohorts a year: the start is in January and in September.

Self-directed learning

Learning and development does not work with training alone: what is learned must also be transferred into practice, must prove itself in one’s own environment and, last but not least, must also fit in with other practices.

We call this the 70:20:10 rule:

  • Training: 10% of the training us “classroom” situations, firmly planned, largely fixed agenda.
  • Cohort or team: 20% collaborative team learning, often with supervision from a coach.
  • On my own and with peer feedback in my team: 70% as part of normal work and with individual rhythm and schedule.

This means that all important activities depend on personal initiative.

We believe that people who want to become leaders and are able to do so will show this initiative. Therefore, this program relies heavily on self-work, encouraging peer support and feedback.

However, the elements are not equally distributed over the course of a learning journey: At the beginning we place some trainings to give orientation, build structure and knowledge, which are important as you drive the growth more and more autonomously.

Later, the program focuses on: increasing skills, accompanying implementation, building own experience, strengthening impact.

Steps and contents

Understanding the role
What is agile leadership
  • Ensuring success in uncertain times
  • Knowledge work is not the same as industrial work
Understanding the role
Steps to becoming an Agile Leader
Filling the role with life
  • Leader, manager, entrepreneur, expert: the aspects of the role
  • What are my expectations
  • Designing the environment for good agile and effective work
  • Working with my team
Steps to becoming an Agile Leader
Develop my team
Lead and develop teams
  • Coach my team
  • Manage my team
  • Leading my team systematically to enablement and empowerment
Develop my team
Flow over silos
  • Fit for Purpose: Structures for the Adaptive Organization
  • The value stream organization
  • Agile and Lean: Scaling or the Principles at Large
Shape and change
The Adaptive Organization
  • A new kind of change
  • Agile Operation Models: Agility beyond Software
  • Develop strategy and organizational design
  • Implementing strategies: Structures, Skills, Culture
Shape and change

more about the contents:

Agile Leadership in a Nutshell

More about the contents