On the way to an adaptive organization

The adaptive organization

  • contains many principles, contents and values of Lean and Agile
  • takes a comprehensive look at today's O

The group

The GRADO group (growing Adaptive Organizations) emerged from a series of working sessions by members of the DACH30 exchange group.

What patterns are there

What experiences have become mainstream

What bad experiences are common? Rolling out a blueprint ("the Spotify model")

As a GRADO (core) group, we are currently focusing on consolidating the map and discovering more patterns.
We don't want to duplicate existing content, but give enough content so that a common understanding of the term is possible:

  • an introductory text for the relevant topics
  • the 3 (or so) most important sources

You will find on https://growing-adaptive-organizations.org/travel-map/ the clickable map.
That, at its core, is the topic of the Meetup on 9/16: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/growing-adaptive-organizations/
It should be a prelude to a broadening of the initiative.What could come after that?

  • more examples for journeys or more patterns
  • more content for the "points of interest

That's just one of the ideas for the Meetup on 16.09.Now I'm getting to how I passed the summer: with ideas for the next but one step:

  • more details, patterns, principles
  • a transformational architecture, as it is now fashionably called.

Here are my thoughts: https://radicalfocus.com/adaptive-organization/
and in large: https://radicalfocus.com/the-adaptive-organization/
as clickable picture

On Key

The VSM Quick Guide: the model

The introduction to the series on Jon Walker’s VSM quick guide. It describes the simplified VSM vocabulary as used in the rest of the steps.